ファタモルガーナの館外伝 韓国語版リリース / THiFM: A Requiem for Innocence in Korean on Steam!
本日、Steamの「ファタモルガーナの館 A Requiem for Innocence」(通称外伝)に、韓国語が追加されました!
The House in Fata Morgana: A Requiem for Innocence is now available in Korean!
本編に引き続き、外伝も翻訳してくださり本当に感謝いたします! 今回も丁寧に翻訳を進めてくださり、スクリプトや画像面も含めてあらゆる面でご協力いただきありがたい限りでした…!
The translation into Korean was done by the same volunteer translation team that translated the main story. Thank you very much for translating the prequel into Korean as well as the main story! They translated with great care, and we are very grateful for their cooperation in every aspect!
We very much hope that more people will also enjoy the story of the prequel.
Once again, a big thank you to the Korean translation team!!!
[Korean Translation Members]
Technical Support: 게지네
Translation: DDss
Graphics: 김소연
And to celebrate the Korean addition, we have an illustration from Moyataro!

これは…お祝い…!? という感じなのですが、「間違って配達されたトッピングもりもりのコグマピザ(さつまいもピザ)に嫌そうな顔をするヤコポと、アイスアメリカーノを持って困った様子で笑うジゼル」というご希望がありましたので、全力で(靄太郎さんが)応えてみました…!霧上のエラスムスの「スパゲッティがない!」を彷彿とさせるヤコポです笑
Is this a illustration for celebration? But yeah they asked “Jacopo looking disgusted with a sweet potato pizza with lots of toppings delivered by mistake, and Giselle smiling with an iced Americano," so we did my best to respond haha!
Furthermore, to celebrate the addition of the Korean language, we will be holding a sale on Steam for about a week starting today.

Both the main and prequel of The House in Fata Morgana will be half price, and a 10% discount on Seventh Lair, so we hope you enjoy this opportunity!
コグマピザは今回はじめて知ったのですが、韓国で人気のピザのようで、すごく食べてみたくなりました…! ネットで検索してみたのですが日本では扱っているお店がなかなかないようです。お店を知っている人がいたらぜひ教えてください。
This is the first time I have heard of sweet potato pizza, but it seems to be very popular in Korea and I really want to try it! I tried to search for it on the Internet, but it seems that there are no stores that serve it in Japan. If anyone knows where I can find it, please let me know~!